Your goals and dreams are much like the Chinese bamboo.  A farmer will water his bamboo and after the first year will see nothing, after the second year will see again nothing, and even after continuing to water for the third year will see nothing coming out of the ground.  However, on the fifth year, the bamboo sprout out of the ground and will grow up to 90ft in 60 days.

Your dreams and goals, much like bamboo needs to be nourished continually and surround by a network of supporters for many years.   And then, after a while, your dreams will grow into what they are meant to become.  

We all have dreams and aspirations that we want to turn into reality. However, the road to success can be long and tough. Many of us struggle to keep our motivation high, and sometimes we feel like giving up. But there is one simple metaphor that can help us stay focused and motivated on our path to success: water your bamboo.

What is the Bamboo Metaphor?

The bamboo metaphor is a comparison between the growth of a bamboo tree and the journey to achieving our goals. Just like a bamboo tree takes several years to grow, our goals often require time and patience. We may not see any results for a long time, but if we keep watering and nurturing our bamboo (our dreams), eventually, it will grow and thrive.

Why the Bamboo Metaphor?

The bamboo metaphor is powerful because it reminds us that growth is not always immediate. It takes time, effort, and patience to see our goals come to fruition. But if we remain dedicated and consistent, eventually, our efforts will pay off. This metaphor helps us to stay motivated and focused on our goals, even when the going gets tough.

How to Apply the Bamboo Metaphor to Your Life

Here are some tips on how to apply the bamboo metaphor to your life:

  1. Set achievable goals: It's important to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve and to set realistic, achievable goals. This will give you something to work towards and help you stay motivated.
  2. Water your bamboo regularly: Consistency is key to success. You need to water your bamboo (your goals) regularly and continuously to see results.
  3. Be patient: Growing a bamboo tree takes time, and so does achieving your goals. Don't give up just because you don't see immediate results. Trust the process and have faith in yourself.
  4. Celebrate small victories: Along the way, you'll have small victories that will keep you motivated. Celebrate these wins and use them as fuel to keep pushing forward.

The Benefits of Watering Your Bamboo

By regularly watering and nurturing your bamboo (your goals), you'll reap many benefits, including:

  • Increased motivation: When you see your bamboo growing and thriving, your motivation will increase, and you'll be more likely to stick to your goals.
  • Improved focus: By focusing on your goals and staying motivated, you'll be able to stay focused and achieve great things.
  • Enhanced self-confidence: As you make progress towards your goals, you'll become more confident in yourself and your abilities.
  • A sense of accomplishment: When you achieve your goals, you'll feel a great sense of accomplishment and pride.


The bamboo metaphor is a powerful tool for staying motivated and focused on your goals. By regularly watering your bamboo (your goals), you'll be able to turn your dreams into reality and achieve great things. So don't give up, trust the process, and keep watering your bamboo. Remember, growth takes time, but if you stay dedicated and consistent, eventually, your efforts will pay off.

The Bamboo

A bamboo is a plant that grows tall and strong,

But it takes many years to reach its full height.

For the first few years, the bamboo only grows underground,

But it is during this time that it is developing its roots.

The roots are what give the bamboo its strength,

And they are what allow it to grow so tall.

So, even though you may not see any growth above the ground,

It is important to keep watering the bamboo.

One day, the bamboo will break through the dirt,

And it will start to grow rapidly.

It will grow so fast that it will reach a great height in just one year.

This is a metaphor for our goals.

When we first set a goal, it may seem like we are not making any progress.

But it is important to keep working towards our goal,

Even if we don't see any results right away.

Because one day, our goal will come to pass,

And we will be amazed at how far we have come.

Tom Pearson 4/19/2023