by Tom E. Pearson - 2023

Our power lies within our perception, interpretation, and reactions regarding the events in our lives that is continuously shaping our reality. It is through these lenses we have in our brain that we generate our emotional responses and determine our next actions. Your thoughts and actions are uniquely yours and beyond anyone else's control.

Our brain's selective filtering system works on an activation/inhibition model. When the brain is primed by a certain belief to look for something, it shuts down competing neural networks, so you actually have a hard time seeing evidence to the contrary of an already existing belief. That’s why people who are depressed see a more depressing world. It’s also why you are so convinced that your view of the world is the “truth.” What most people don’t realize is they are participating in creating their own version of the truth.

Your knowledge exist when truth and belief overlaps
  • Knowledge are facts proven to be true acquired by a person

Abandoning your opinion opens your mind to new ideas

Beliefs are shaped through our experiences and interaction with the world, and they can be very hard to dislodge. It takes a lot of effort to examine and reconsider and even harder to abandon opinions especially when confronted with alternative perspectives. One of the hardest tasks a human mind can face is reserving judgement about a conviction that has always seemed obvious and then acknowledging the possibility that it may indeed be untrue. This is always easier for young people as they have not yet fully polished their lens of reality.

Creating your reality

What you take in from your environment through your belief filter becomes your self-concept. Your self-concept is made up of I am beliefs about who you are today, and I can beliefs about who you are capable of being in the future. From these I am and I can statements you create stories and narratives about who you are, that you tell yourself and other people all day long. I am not good enough, I am not lovable, I can not do it, I am smart, I am capable, I can achieve my goals. You are the main character in your story and you write the script based on your self-concept that is largely self-created. You write the story of what you think is likely and/or possible based on what you believe is true and then you take actions consistent with those expectations.

The battle of Ego vs Soul

You construct a story based on what you deem likely or possible, influenced by your beliefs, and then you take actions that align with those expectations. By acting in accordance with your anticipated outcome before it even happens, you actively participate in creating the experience. For example, if you possess a negative self-concept and fear rejection on a date or in a job interview, it is unlikely that you will present your best self. Instead, you may feel anxious and behave in a way that increases the likelihood of rejection. This is the essence of a self-fulfilling prophecy – we act in ways that bring about what we believe to be true. It is the fundamental process of creating our own reality.

Take power of your reality

When you deny, reject, or are unaware of this, then you have very little power and will feel like the victim of your life. But with awareness comes choice. When you start to understand the process and make it work for you, now you are empowered to be in charge of the life you create. Will there always be things that happen that are outside of your control? Yes, that is guaranteed. But what you do control is how you think and feel, and what you subsequently do about those uncontrollable events—that is how you shape and create your life. There are always people who thrive in times of crisis. Is it because they are lucky? Most likely it is because they choose to see opportunity as opposed to disadvantage.

The beliefs you hold act as a filter, influencing how you interpret and perceive information from the environment, ultimately forming your self-concept. Your self-concept consists of "I am" beliefs about your present identity and "I can" beliefs about your potential for the future. From these self-definitions, you construct stories and narratives that you constantly tell yourself and others throughout the day. These narratives can be both limiting, such as "I am not good enough" or empowering, such as "I am capable of achieving my goals." You are the protagonist in your own story, and you write the script based on your self-concept, which is largely self-created.

Whether you are aware of it or not, you are constantly engaged in the creation of your reality. There is no mysticism or esotericism involved; it is simply the natural functioning of our brains. When you deny, reject, or remain oblivious to this truth, you relinquish your power and may feel like a victim of your circumstances. However, with awareness comes choice. When you grasp this process and utilize it to your advantage, you gain the ability to take control of the life you create.

There will always be events beyond your control – that is an inevitable certainty. However, what you do have control over is your thoughts, emotions, and subsequent actions in response to those uncontrollable events. It is through these choices that you shape and create your life or what is called reality.