By Tom E. Pearson - 2023

Inspired by Terry O'Shea

Join Our Noble Mission: Create a Lasting Impact in our startup Earth

This isn't your ordinary job opportunity; it's a call for extraordinary individuals ready to embrace a challenge unlike any other. We are not seeking the proud, but instead, the courageous few who understand the gravity of the task at hand. While few venture to even submit an application for this position, the rewards that await those who accept are unparalleled.

Within the vast realm of the business universe, we are a budding startup Earth, teeming with potential to create value and unlock the universe's wisdom. Our need for talent is urgent, as the balance of our company hinges on our success.

The essence of the job is simple: extend a helping hand to those in suffering, champion the oppressed, halt the abuse of our planet, and drive positive change for the betterment of all humankind. At Earth, our success isn't measured solely by revenue or profit, but by how our collective efforts uplift people while preserving our company's resources.

In this role, you'll face challenges, as change often invites criticism and ridicule. While constructive criticism is valued and contributes to meaningful change, opposition to progress or stagnation is seen as an injustice. Here at Earth, we don't shy away from shaming those who foster ridicule and unjust stagnation. After all, change is merely a shift in actions, and their ridicule masks a fear of progress borne out of excessive admiration for one's own culture and land. Unguided extreme admiration of culture can be volatile and dangerous, leading to nationalism, racism, prejudice, and intolerance – a path we refuse to tread.

We advocate for an outward focus that celebrates commonalities among cultures and lands, but we understand that solely focusing on the familiar is a shortcut that leads to indifference and apathy. At Earth, we appreciate the interconnectedness of all living things through the air we breathe. This interconnectedness reminds us of our obligation not just to acknowledge our commonalities but to authentically understand, appreciate, and respect the differences within each of us. Neglecting this obligation threatens our very existence at Earth.

No formal education or certifications are required. Our job requirements are simple but profound: humility, forgiveness, charity, compassion, an unwavering pursuit of mutual understanding, and the tenacity to drive positive change for the betterment of all and our company, Earth.

We invite you to apply and become a driving force behind human progress. Embrace change over ridicule, mutual understanding over apathy or hate, charity over greed, and respect for the planet we call home. Our compensation package reflects the value we place on your commitment, allowing you to bask in the fulfillment of your noble character of kindness, understanding, compassion, courage and generosity that is well earned.

The application process couldn't be simpler – no interviews required. All applicants will be offered an immediate position with the condition that they act wisely while working at our startup. Join us in shaping a better future for all. Please apply on this site if you have the noble character to join our team and make an impact to our startup we call Earth.